You can find licenses for schools and teachers here.
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Using Actionbound you can easily create digital educational adventures that use the playful approach of a scavenger hunt. Your students can then use the Actionbound app to play the so-called Bounds.
Create your own Bounds according to your wishes and the demands of your lesson planning. You can combine a variety of different elements– quizzes, tasks, media, GPS-coordinates, QR-Codes, and many more. You don’t need to be able to program– in fact, the Bound creator at has received a number of accolades for its ease of use.
The method is suitable for all subjects. It’s perfect for field trips, but is also ideal for working on projects– students can create their own bounds for different themes, which the other pupils can then play. You can also use Actionbound to create a customized tour of your city or town for your students. Examples of other use cases include botanical tours, local history tours, historical political tours, or mathematical journeys of discovery.
„In an educational setting, the digital scavenger hunt is especially interesting,as the borders of the educational space of the school are broken and the pedagogy extends into the everyday lives of the students. In terms of the content, Actionbound is a tool with lots of potential applications. So long as a spirit of discovery promises to contribute to student success, Actionbound can play a role. It could be used in preparing students for a trip to a museum or for a field trip with real connection to the syllabus, such as a courthouse scavenger hunt or identifying plants."
Regional Academy for Continuing Education and Professional Development Actionbound Background and Introduction (German)
„Cooperation in groups also develops students’ social skills. Using tablets really motivates students.“
Schreiber, Ch. & Schulz, K. (2017) Actionbound – virtuelle Schnitzeljagd. Mathematische Aspekte in der Umwelt spielerisch entdecken. Mathematik differenziert, 1/2017, 22-25
„Actionbound is a contemporary tool that shows the potential of smartphones in educational settings in an impressive form.“
Baier, F. & Gottein H.-P. (2016) Mobile Learning am Beispiel Actionbound. Pädagogische Hochschule Salzburg, Hochschulschrift - PHScript 10 Schwerpunkt MEDIEN, 47-52, German
Literature as well as more information about using Actionbound in schools is available Google Google.
Try Actionbound yourself with a free 14-day trial period.
Actionbound wird bereits an vielen Schulen genutzt und wurde mehrfach ausgezeichnet.
The Teacher’s and Educational Licenses have been specially developed for pedagogical use. They’ll make it easy for you to get started. As a teacher you can use these licenses without any limitation in terms of the number of participants or the Bounds created. Your pupils can also create their own Bounds using your Teacher’s License– so it’s simple for you to protect your student’s privacy.
Create mobile adventures and interactive guides for smartphones and tablets. Take people on real-world treasure hunts and guided walks.
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